Welcome to The United Church of Canada Archives located at The University of Winnipeg.
Our Archives are available to the public. If you are interested in using our records please contact the Keeper of the Archives to make a research appointment or to submit a brief inquiry.
In the development of the Canadian West the history of Church and community are inexorably linked. As well as documenting the work of the Church within its own institutional boundaries, the holdings of the Archives provide an important key to understanding the social and cultural development of Manitoba and the Northwest.
Our records date back to the mid-1800s and were primarily created by the United Church of Canada and its antecedent denominations within the geographical boundaries of the Conference of Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario, the records of conference level administration of the All Native Circle Conference, its Keewatin Presbytery, and the Sandy Saulteaux Spiritual Centre. The Archives also collects the records of ecumenical initiatives and the private papers of clergy and lay persons who have played a significant role in the life of the Church.