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505/2 Manitoba Conference Branch WMS Archives Collection
Title: Administrative Records of the Conference of Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario
Series: 505/2 Manitoba Conference Branch Woman’s Missionary Society Archives Collection
Dates: ca.1885-ca.1960
Extent: 1m textual records and other material.
Finding Aid: The Finding Aid includes File Description and Box Lists.
Historic Note
From 1928, the Manitoba Conference Branch of the WMS had an official archivist charged with the collection of all the records of the WMS work undertaken since church union. Conference archivists included Mrs. Luther Lennox, 1928-19//; Mrs. F. D. Baragar, 19//-1947; Mrs. A. W. Robinson, 1947-1952; and Mrs. Jean Spice (who preferred to be called Conference Historian), 1952-ca.1960.

Oakland, Manitoba WMS Officers from 1928. The WMS was a vital organization where women could undertake study and action on mission domestically and around the world. Mrs. E. Boddy; Mrs. L.E. Turner; Mrs. Ritchie, Mrs. J. Hardy, Mrs. M. Munro, Mrs. T. Robinson,
Mrs. S.C. Murray, Mrs. Pridle, Mrs. C. Eadie, Mrs. L. Mason UCArchivesWpg portpres_039
Scope and Content
Items found here include the records of the Conference Branch archivist as well as various historical reports, reference materials and first hand accounts collected by the archivist. These also include records pertaining to Presbyterial WMS histories, which were compiled in honour of the 25th anniversary of Union in 1950, and materials collected for the purpose of compiling a history of Conference Branch WMS published in 1959 in honour of the 75th anniversary of WMS in Manitoba. Few of the primary source materials collected here have been dated. Also found here are two scrapbooks containing materials which document Conference Branch WMS activities during the 1940s and 1950s.
Records described as part of this series include WMS Archives inventory and indexes, [before 1960]; records of the Conference Branch WMS Archivist, 1953-1959; Woman’s Missionary Society Executive correspondence, ca.1895-1944; the Report of the Commission Appointed to Survey Indian Education, 1935; records pertaining to Conference Branch WMS Missionary Education Programming, [before 1960]; Presbyterial histories, 1936-1959; Historical narratives, ca.1885-ca.1960; Biographical Sketches, [before 1960]; Essays and addresses, [after 1890]; Pamphlets, [before 1960]; and Scrapbooks, 1946-1961.
Records include several photographs and other items mounted in scrapbooks.
Documentation Digitization
Relevant items in this series related to Indian Residential Schools are included in The United Church of Canada Archives Manitoba Northwestern Ontario Conference and All Native Circle Conference 2014 Index of IRS Related Records and were digitized for submission to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Contact the Archivist for more information.