Rev Edward Papauikas an Indian gentleman who the Methodist Church saw fit to ordain for special work among his own people. Norway House and outlying Missions. He was ordained in the later years of the 1890’s

File gallery/northern-locations-general/album_03_016.jpg
Credit Wm Martel & Son, Brandon, MB
Title Rev Edward Papauikas an Indian gentleman who the Methodist Church saw fit to ordain for special work among his own people. Norway House and outlying Missions. He was ordained in the later years of the 1890's
Caption Rev. Edward Papauikas 9.9 x 14.1
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TitleRev Edward Papauikas an Indian gentleman who the Methodist Church saw fit to ordain for special work among his own people. Norway House and outlying Missions. He was ordained in the later years of the 1890's
Archivist's DescriptionRev. Edward Papauikas 9.9 x 14.1
Original Caption
KeywordsClergy, First Nations People, Norway House, Portrait--Formal
CreditWm Martel & Son, Brandon, MB

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