Printable Version (pdf):
Progress Vol X November 1903 No. 3
Progress Vol XI February 1904, No. 6
Progress Vol XII November 15, 1904, No. 13
Title: Progress
Fonds/Collection: Indian Residential School Collection
Dates: 1903-1904
Progress is a newsletter produced at the Indian Industrial School (Presbyterian), Regina, North West Territories. Its stated purpose: “to further the interests of the Indian work of the Presbyterian Church in Canada and to give the public information regarding the race and its advancement.” The contents include school news, short stories, poems, practical tips and humour. The mechanical work of producing it was done by “Indian Boys”. There is no indication in these issues of the editor/writer. It was distributed by Subscription through the mail. The content reflects attitudes of the era regarding Aboriginal people and the expectations of enculturation held by the government and the church. The holdings consist of 8 bound newsletters: Vol. X, November 1903, No.3; Vol. X, December 1903, No.4; Vol. XI, January 1904, No.5; Vol. XI, February 1904, No.6; Vol. XI, May 1904, No.9; Vol. XI, June 1904,No. 10; Vol. XII, October 1904, No. 11, Vol. XII, November 15, 1904, No. 13. This is not a complete run. All the issues have been digitized and are available by contacting the Keeper of the Archives.