Searching for Photos

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Fonds with photographs that are available on this website are in the index below. In many cases only a representative sample of the images are presented. Other photos that are digitized are available by contacting the Archives.

Additional photographs are available through the Network of United Church Archives.

The United Church of Canada Archives MNWO/ANCC is the custodian of thousands of images spanning the history of the United Church, and its founding denominations, in Manitoba and northwestern Ontario. A portion of the images are available online; please contact the Keeper to access the remaining image collection.


Photographs are a vital part of the collection.  Here a CGIT Leader is photographed taking pictures at  Camp Brereton in the Whiteshell in Manitoba. Date unknown.  UCArchivesWinnipeg cgit 249N

A CGIT Leader is photographed using her Brownie camera at Camp Brereton in the Whiteshell. c.1940.

Use of the Photos

The images available on the website are for private research use only.  To request the use of an image for another use, or for more information on how to obtain copies of images, proper citations, copyright and terms of use visit the Using this Archives page or contact us.

Photo Accuracy

If you can add to, or correct, the information about any of the images on the site please contact the Keeper of the Archives.

Index of Fonds with photos on line

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