The Activist Life of Carl Ridd

The Activist Life of Carl Ridd

Researcher: Brenda Suderman Brenda Suderman was awarded a Masters of Arts degree in 2013 by the University of Winnipeg. Project Focus Brenda’s MA thesis entitled, Called to be a Citizen: The Activist Life of Carl Ridd, explores the life and activism of Rev. Dr. Carl Ridd (1929-2003), a professional basketball player, a United Church of Canada […]

Learning from the Past: United Church Mission

Learning from the Past: United Church Mission

Researcher: Loraine Mackenzie Shepherd Rev. Dr. Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd was the 2012 United Church of Canada McGeachy Senior Scholar. The Scholarship, awarded annually, was established to develop leaders who will inspire the church toward creative and faithful mission. Project focus Loraine’s project focused on an analysis of United Church of Canada mission strategies, domestic and […]

The Secret Lives of United Church Deaconesses

The Secret Lives of United Church Deaconesses

Project Focus and Publication Dr. Caryn Douglas’ project to document the lives of women who served the Methodist, Presbyterian and after 1925, United Church, as Deaconesses is a large, multifaceted undertaking. The results of the research are published through the website she has developed, . The nearly 700 women who were set apart as […]